/ 景文科技大學 視覺傳達設計系 2016 畢業展主視覺 /


 設計如釀造,需要經過一步步的發酵、萃取、提煉等過程,才能醞釀成醇馥幽郁的好酒,汲取知識,放入調味,酸甜苦澀辛辣,每個滋味都是段成長與歷練,都在等著最終的開花結果。 每一次的挫折都當成一種磨練,那是促使我們前進的養分,吸收經驗成為自己的養分,分解吸收並醞釀出與眾不同,最終的一滴專屬滋味。  Design is like wine, need to go through a step by step fermentation, extraction, refining and other processes in order to brew alcohol Fu melancholy of wine, learn knowledge, add flavor, sweet and sour bitter spicy taste of each segment are growing and experience, are waiting for the final fruition.      Every setback as a temper, that we move forward is to promote nutrient absorption experience to become their own nutrients, absorb and break down brew a distinctive, unique taste of the final drop.  

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/ 新一代設計展 展場設計 /